Defending rights and civic space
Democracy and human rights are increasingly under threat, both in Sweden and globally. Activists and organisations advocating for the rights of women and LGBTIQ+ individuals are particularly impacted when democratic space diminishes.
RFSU advocates for the right of all individuals to make decisions about their bodies and sexuality, but RFSU also recognises the importance of combating efforts to undermine democracy and weaken human rights. According to Freedom House, there is a concerning global decline in democracy that cannot be overlooked.
Various forms of threats to civil society
Threats to democracy and human rights can manifest in different ways. Activists and civil society organisations are facing growing threats, both in public spaces and online, to intimidate and silence them. Organizations focused on feminism, LGBTIQ+ rights, and sexual rights are especially vulnerable, as highlighted in a report by the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society (MUCF).
"Shrinking space" for civil society
Civil society is also at risk of long-term weakening, often described as "shrinking space." This can involve significant funding cuts or obstacles that make it harder for organisations to have a presence in the public sphere, sometimes accompanied by smear campaigns. In some parts of Europe, organisations are now required to register as "foreign agents" to receive funding from abroad. In Sweden, there are indications that it is becoming increasingly challenging for civil society to carry out its activities.
Significant Challenges
Poverty, conflicts, anti-rights movements, and shrinking democratic spaces limit sexual and reproductive rights. The climate crises are urgent and collective concerns that threaten the most basic living conditions of everyone on the planet. The challenges in implementing Agenda 2030 for a sustainable world living in peace are significant.
Working jointly to advance rights
It is in this regard that RFSU works with other civil society organisations to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights. RFSU, together with others, will address the problems by:
- Engaging in solidarity initiatives with local and transnational SRHR, youth and feminist movements, as well as other actors who fight for social, economic, and environmental justice.
- Collaborating with organisations representing persons who face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination and oppression, learning from their experience and activism.
- Playing an active role in broad civil society coalitions, aiming to uphold freedom of expression, the right to organise, freedom of assembly and an independent media.