Non-discriminatory family laws and policies
Everybody should be able to be in a relationship and start a family. This without being hindered by discrimination based on gender, gender identity, sexuality.
Today, many people, especially women, children and LGBTQI+ persons, are prevented from deciding if, when and how to be sexually active, form sexual relationships, get married and have children. LGBTQI+ persons are also often prevented from independently defining their sexual orientation and gender identity. Such inequalities and injustices may be enshrined in legislation and policies, such as laws that criminalise same-sex relationships by consenting adults and same-sex family formation.
Abolish discriminatory laws
Family laws and policies should offer the chance for all individuals to live in the family of their choice while receiving the necessary legal safeguards.
RFSU, together with others, will address the problems by:
- Working to abolish discriminatory laws and ensure legal protection from discrimination, hate, and violence hinders the fulfilment of sexual and reproductive rights. RFSU prioritises working for the legal protection of groups most at risk of discrimination and violation of sexual and reproductive rights.
- Working with and supporting movements with people facing multiple and intersecting forms of oppression and discrimination who mobilise to claim their sexual and reproductive rights.
- Harvesting and making use of experiences from other movements and legal processes across countries and regions.