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Networks in Central America

RFSU supports organisations, networks, smaller collectives, and initiatives in Mexico and Central American countries. They all work to strengthen sexual and reproductive health and rights and increase democratic space in the region.

Over the past decade, Central America and the Caribbean have experienced the greatest setbacks in democracy and rights in Latin America. The region faces deep challenges, including poverty, migration, corruption, inequality, violence, climate change, and weakening democratic systems.

Many countries in the sub-region still keep abortion under strict prohibition and access to comprehensive sexual education is very limited or non-existent. Despite some advances in Latin America as a region, the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and gender-fluid community in Central America has no right to self-recognition or access to health services; and experiences high levels of stigma and violence. 

RFSU's networks in Central America

RFSU in Central America supports and contributes to SRHR in all its dimensions, aiming to challenge and counter patriarchal oppressive structures. This is done in partnerships with different organisations, networks, smaller collectives, and initiatives in Mexico and Central American countries.

RFSU supports networks working with holistic protection and collective care of activists and human rights defenders. Another important aspect of the work is the continuous development of systems that collect data and document violence against feminist activists. Similarly, partners are working with new tools for strategic and regional advocacy, while youth activists develop innovative approaches to comprehensive sexuality education and promote a positive, pleasure-based view of sexuality.