Prioritise SRHR during the Swedish Presidency
Sweden holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union during the first half of 2023. The Swedish Presidency is a unique opportunity for the Swedish government to highlight Swedish priorities, including sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).
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RFSU's recommendations to the Swedish government
The Presidency gives Sweden the opportunity to push for SRHR to become a priority area in EU’s external relations.
RFSU proposes four ways on how Sweden can push for an EU that advocates for SRHR in its foreign and development policy.
During the Swedish Presidency, Sweden should prioritise
- Actively pushing for gender equality and SRHR to be included when EU Member States agree on directions for the EU's international cooperation in the Council conclusions. It is particularly important that Sweden advocates for the Council conclusions on the EU's Global Health Strategy to recognise the importance of SRHR.
- Ensuring the EU’s assistance to Ukraine also includes and contributes to SRHR and gender equality in Ukraine.
- Ensuring that the EU's Gender Action Plan (GAP) III is fully funded and implemented. GAP III contains a number of strategies and objectives that directly contribute to SRHR.
- Raising the visibility of SRHR violations globally, including the reduced space for gender equality, LGBTI and SRHR organisations in EU partner countries, through seminars, conferences and high-level meetings.
Resistance to SRHR in the EU, both internal and external
SRHR are human rights. SRHR, like democracy and other rights and freedoms, can never be taken for granted. If we look around the world, we become painfully aware of this.
- Authoritarian and populist movements in Europe and around the world are threatening gender equality, women's and girls' rights, SRHR, LGBTQ+, freedom of expression and the right to organise.
- 300 000 women a year die due to complications of pregnancy, childbirth and unsafe abortion. In many parts of the world, pregnancy and childbirth is the leading cause of death among young women and girls.
- Sexual and gender-based violence against women, girls and members of the LGBTQ+ community is widespread worldwide and increases in times of humanitarian crisis and emergencies, and armed conflict.
SRHR is at the core of the EU's fundamental principles and values, and is a prerequisite for gender equality, equity, freedom, poverty reduction and democracy. SRHR is part of the "European values" that the EU and the Swedish government want to safeguard. The time to act is now.
RFSU's recommendations to the European Commission
These are RFSU's recommendations to Commissioner Urpilainen
- Given the state of urgency when it comes to gender equality and SRHR needs in the world today, EU leadership and funding for these issues is critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 3 on health and SDG 5 on gender equality.
- EU development cooperation is already critically underfunded. For the SDGs to be fulfilled, the EU must continue to implement its long-term priorities and foresee sufficient funding.
- RFSU welcomes the launch of the Team Europe Initiative (TEI) on SRHR in sub-Saharan Africa. In particular, we welcome the European Commission's contribution of €60 million. This is an excellent example of how the Commission and Member States can make a difference for SRHR in the world. The EU Commission should ensure that civil society benefits from funding from the TEI and is included in the TEI steering mechanism.
- RFSU welcomes the adoption of the new EU Global Health Strategy (GHS) which has strong objectives for SRHR. Implementation should focus on universal health coverage (UHC) and SRHR is an integral part of UHC. The Commission should establish a strong governance mechanism and earmarked funding for the strategy.
- The EU should continue to involve local civil society and secure funding for small grassroots organisations, including youth, SRHR, LGBTQI and women's rights organisations – as they have a unique connection with communities and can contribute tailor-made solutions.
RFSU work during the Presidency
During the first half of 2023, RFSU is implementing a project which seeks to increase the commitment to gender equality and SRHR in the EU's foreign and development policy.
Based on the Swedish Presidency, we aim to help raise awareness among the public, organisations and politicians in Sweden and Europe about the importance of the EU and Sweden advocating for a strong focus on SRHR and gender equality in EU foreign and aid policy.