RFSU supports organisations in Ghana which are all working to increase sexual and reproductive health and rights in the country.
Ghana is considered one of Africa's strongest democracies and has experienced steady economic growth since the 1990s. However, the past five years have seen setbacks in several areas, such as the freedom of association and assembly. Despite its wealth in resources like oil and gold, the economy is in crisis with high inflation, and corruption remains a major problem. Resources are unevenly distributed among the population.
There are significant differences in access to healthcare and services between urban and rural areas. The gap is wide between southern Ghana, where the capital Accra is located, and the northern regions. There are very few clinics where young people can get tested or receive counselling.
Abortion is legal in Ghana under certain circumstances but access is limited due to a lack of information on its legal status, a poor health system, and stigma. Homosexuality is illegal and sexuality education is severely limited.
Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana
Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana is an organisation in Bolgatanga in northern Ghana. The organisation strengthens young people’s capacity to break free from poverty by providing education and entrepreneurial training. RFSU supports YFHG in their efforts to improve access to information on SRHR and the rights of young people between 10-19 years. The organisation trains teachers and creates dialogue with local decision-makers and parents. YFHG also provides sexuality education for students as well as for young people who do not attend school.
Curious Minds
Curios Minds is an organisation run by young people. It has many volunteers and good contacts with the government and other organizations. With RFSU's support, they will, with the help of innovative communication strategies, lift the right to abortion.
Planned Parenthood Association Ghana (PPAG)
PPAG is the oldest civil society organization in the country and a member of the IPPF. It was initially formed to provide contraceptive advice but has expanded to also offer maternal and child care, testing for STDs and advice on, for example, erectile dysfunction. With the support of RFSU, the organisation aims to expand its work on abortion rights and access while reducing the stigma surrounding it. This includes initiatives such as promoting home abortions through telemedicine and providing remote counseling services.